Sunday, April 30, 2006

AAM 41B - Video Repost

AAM 41- Magazine Review

I rarely pic up the weekly gay magzines we have here in London. I have a detailed look at a popular one we have here in London. QX Magazine is a compact resource that most gay men use to find out what is going on in London.

I decided to try and take a serious look at the content and look at the messages that are put out to the community find out how it fairs, was it infromitive or wash of mindless content?

I'm a little serious and cynical today, well I can't always be happy go lucky Mark!

Links mentioned:

Saturday, April 29, 2006

AAM 40 - Cruising to success

I helped out at a gay and lesbian basketball tournament today. A friend of mine plays for the The London Cruisers and they hosted their first ever european tournament so all friends were drafted in help so the tornamemt went well.

Teams from Paris and Amsterdam attended but it turned out to be an all Cruiser final as the Crusier A & B teams wiped the floor with the competition to face their team mates in the final.

The A team (in blue) won but not without the fight from the B (in red) team which were all were over 35 (years)

It was nice to see young gay men doing a little more than normal gay lifestyle it was a pleasure to help out today.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

AAM 39 - Spring is here finally

It's nice to see a little colour in the city, I have more time to notice it.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

AAM 38 - Cheeky and confident

I'm loving the free time I have now, revised travel plans, new projects, new friends, olds friends get to see my vlog.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

End of an era

My timing seems to be spot on at the moment. This is a little sad as one of the gyms I used to personal train at has closed down after struggling for many years.

Physique Gymnasium gave me a break by letting me train clients there 4 years ago but were stuck in the past a little and were not prepared to move forward and evolve what they had to offer.

This is another example of the old me who would not be very open to change, I would just hope things would change around me and just keep my head in the sand hope for the best.

I happened to be walking past as they were taking down the signage, sad but confimation that I had to move on when I did.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Reasons to goto Denmark

3 more birthdays this week as I know so many other Arians (The star sign not the wanna be master race) My mothers tomorrow and a good friend Kasper (left) with his fellow Danish friend Henrik.

I just had to squeeze myself in between these hunks for this pic.

I'm using all my cameras when ever possible now, it's great being able to capture any moment I experience. I don't need a photo album, I have this blog.

Friday, April 07, 2006

AAM 37 - All about town

A slide show of my day, I use my camera phone for this one today.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

AAM 36 - Escape from planet work

I'm free for a couple of hours to do some chores. Is it a coincidence I have my camcorder with me? Well it is a beautiful day so why not enjoy it for a few minutes.

Monday, April 03, 2006

A week of research

My past birthday week has been very different for me, I'm normally very orderly, planned controlled. For once I decided to be spontanous and unplanned which has thrown up a few serprises.

I've not been affraid to try new things go to old haunts to see how they've changed. I call it a little reasearch.

I supposed this little exercise was good form me to re-access my view on gay culture here in London. I have been quite removed from it for the last 2 years popping out to a bar or club from time to time to be dissapointed or should I say overhelmed by it's intensity. But lately I've been able to look at it all with a bit of objectivity and think about what has the community become.

I have made new friends this week which has been refreshing some younger and older, some affected by the need to conform to what ever they think the should be etc. And some with their heads so screwed on it does gives me hope.

So many people share the same view as that while it's great to have a community that services our needs, but it has become so insular, almost elitist and exclusive when we could be more welcoming and of guidence to a younger generation which don't seem to be aware of who we are as a community and where we have come from to get to 2006.

Don't get me wrong everyone deserves to have as much fun as they what but so much seems to be slipping away from us because of being obsessed with chems & hedonisim with no apparent need for balance in other areas.

A little preachy by me, maybe but this my blog and my thoughts at the moment which is helping re access what I can do with others who are like minded.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

AAM 35 - A quick tour

I'm a little behind in my posts but this is a quick spin around my gymnasium after a days work at the weekend.

Damn I just found out that it's Videoblogging week 2006, I think I'm a little behind!