Thursday, October 12, 2006

AAM 74 - Spectacular

Yay, It's me for some pre-weekend content.
Watch and see what's going on in my world.


Blogger Gary said...

Hello 'petal'! OK so I clicked.

I wonder how many people go self-employed and never return to life as an employee. A lot I reckon, because the freedom is great. Despite one or two low-points over the years (companies going bust and not paying me) I've never regreted it.

On a technical note, your videos are looking amazing. What are you using to encode them?

6:20 AM  
Blogger VJnet said...

Spectacular. So glad am I, that you are in a good place in your life. Wow. I know that I'm not a Londoner, but one day I might be in town :)

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,i am so delighted to see you looking so happy and confident you are your old self again.
It was great to see you at the yard I am sorry now that I didn't come and meet your new friends but I wasn't sure how you wanted to play it so left the ball in your court.
i would love to go and have dinner in that asian restaurant we went to a while back with you,I know and am glad you are so busy so whenever.
he quality of your videos are excellent great to be able to see what you have been up to.
Your dear friend always,Murrayx

12:48 PM  
Blogger muscles said...

I'm using a xillisoft encoder and going for mp4 instead of mpg these days.

I've really cracked the client thing now, shame weve just got some bad news. Everyone is ok now.

It's always good to here from you, At this rate I'll be able to see you in the US as I wanted to.

Thats OK, I just thought I would try an experiment. Unfortunately the experiment needed lots of attention! But

I'll be good to do dinner there soon. So much much more has opened since.

Thanks for the comments

10:43 PM  

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